Tuesday, May 19, 2015


       The end of the school year is upon us, so that means Finals are here too. Our Final for e9 was a Final that took a couple WEEKS to make, and the end result is pretty satisfying. This first video is the video that I edited for the commercial for the fake product we had to make. This was NOT the video used in the final website project, but I still think it holds up. There were days of filming that I had to miss because of Band functions and whatnot, so there was some script that needed to be cut. After that, the editing process was pretty straight forward. I used Final Cut Pro X, and I had to mash together a bunch of clips to make a final video, hope you enjoy!

       This is the portion of the website that I worked on. It is the "About the Product" section. I wanted there to be a voice with personality on the website so it can relate to the person reading the website. I also did the info for the company, Better Foods Inc (BFI). Again, I tried to give the speaker a voice, so that he could better relate to the audience and make it more family-friendly.

       And finally, I make the box for our product in Google Sketch-Up. Yes, there could be room for improvement. My team rushed me because we were getting close to the due date for the entire product. I wanted to add a picture of a cheeseburger to show what the product was, but some people in our group had different ideas. So, I had to follow the rules and make the product how THEY wanted it. But I have to admit that it was a good end product.

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