Tuesday, May 19, 2015


       The end of the school year is upon us, so that means Finals are here too. Our Final for e9 was a Final that took a couple WEEKS to make, and the end result is pretty satisfying. This first video is the video that I edited for the commercial for the fake product we had to make. This was NOT the video used in the final website project, but I still think it holds up. There were days of filming that I had to miss because of Band functions and whatnot, so there was some script that needed to be cut. After that, the editing process was pretty straight forward. I used Final Cut Pro X, and I had to mash together a bunch of clips to make a final video, hope you enjoy!

       This is the portion of the website that I worked on. It is the "About the Product" section. I wanted there to be a voice with personality on the website so it can relate to the person reading the website. I also did the info for the company, Better Foods Inc (BFI). Again, I tried to give the speaker a voice, so that he could better relate to the audience and make it more family-friendly.

       And finally, I make the box for our product in Google Sketch-Up. Yes, there could be room for improvement. My team rushed me because we were getting close to the due date for the entire product. I wanted to add a picture of a cheeseburger to show what the product was, but some people in our group had different ideas. So, I had to follow the rules and make the product how THEY wanted it. But I have to admit that it was a good end product.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Final Video

       Well, this is my last video for my Freshman year of High School! Final Cut Pro X is one of the easiest programs that I have ever used in making videos. I might have to get it for my computer so I can make some cool videos for my family. My mom uses Adobe Premier, so we could have a little competition on who can make the better video.

       There were some difficulties with making this video, like there is for all videos. I had a little bit of trouble looking for the right sound effect, and we had many camera issues to settle with before we could get the perfect shots. But overall, it was a lot of fun to make. I hope that next year in video will be just as fun, and since we get to used upgraded cameras and we can actually pan (move) our shots, I'm getting really excited for Sophomore year!