Friday, November 21, 2014

AB Sequence

      What I learned while making this video was that even though the shot seems perfect, something will happen that just cuts off their head, or their feet, or the shot doesn't line up, etc. I also learned that in Final Cut Pro/YouTube, every shot is made bigger. So if you thought that your actor's/actress's head isn't cut off, it most likely is. I will try to make it so that my actor is in full frame in every shot next time I do something like this. And I will plan out my shots better next time.

        My definition of collaboration is, two people giving an equal amount of work to accomplish a certain goal. And Brady really helped with all of the shots, and making sure that they lined up to the best of their ability. He was a good partner to work with, and I really enjoyed making this video! ENJOY!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

6 Shot Sequence

      Well, I've made a new video for e9 using the 6 shot sequence, and I think it turned out well! The different shots in the 6 shot sequence are the Extreme Wide Shot, and that's the shot that shows everything around the person, including environment. The Wide Shot, which is a full-body shot of the person. There's also the Medium Shot, which is a waist-up view of the person you're filming. There's the Over the Shoulder, or OTS. The OTS is a view over the shoulder of the person, looking down at what they're doing. There's the Close Up, where it's a view of their face, and what the expression is. Finally, there's the Extreme Close Up. A good example of an Extreme Close Up is in the movie "The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly", during the shootout scene where the camera is zoomed in on all of the eyes of the main characters.

       What I learned while doing this was how to film each shot while not getting my camera knocked over while she danced. It was difficult, an I had to zoom in on a couple places, but the end product was nice. I also learned that each shot wasn't perfect each time, so we did a little bit of re-filming.

        What I will try to apply to my next project is more interesting shots. Yes, having someone spin isn't really that exciting, but there was a lot more that I could've done to make it more interesting.